Nothing to say...except to give a quick cross-link to Pumpkin-a-thon '06.
I have a Hitchens/ Iraq body count posting in preparation, but I've been too busy carving pumpkind. And sewing a dragon costume.
One bonobo's view of the world...and stuff.
Nothing to say...except to give a quick cross-link to Pumpkin-a-thon '06.
I have a Hitchens/ Iraq body count posting in preparation, but I've been too busy carving pumpkind. And sewing a dragon costume.
Posted by
Edward the Bonobo
11:43 am
Welcome to my first 'Guess The Relevance Of The Accompanying Image' competition.
So anyway…on the way to work yesterday, I stopped for petrol at a supermarket (I’ll not mention which one, but if you were to assume that it was whichever one first comes to mind, statistically you’d have a good chance of being right.). When I went to pay, there was an East European lorry driver at the counter trying to get directions – the supermarket is brand new, and he’d fallen off the edge of his GPS. He was getting nowhere in sign language, so I asked him if he spoke German – which he did, some – and pointed him in the right direction. After he’d gone, I paid for my petrol, and the woman serving engaged me in conversation:“Where was he from?”
(Sigh! Always give them a chance to be educated, though).
“I’m not sure. I think it was either The Czech Republic or Slovakia.”
“Hmmph. See if you went to one of their countries? Nobody would be friendly like that. They wouldn’t give you the time of day.”
“Oh, I don’t know. I’ve always found the people very friendly over there.”I turned on my heel.
“Aye – but see on our estate? They get all these houses for the Russians, and the council pays for it all, and they just fill them with prostitutes…”
“Tell you what – I shouldn’t have to listen to racist garbage like this on my way to work.”I turned and gave her my steeliest of glares.
“I’m not a racist.”
“Yes you are.”
“You have to sympathise with racists these days – they’re having a hard time putting across their point of view: ‘These immigrants – they come over here with their white faces and bland food and fit thermostatic valves to our radiators.’ Hardly has the right force, does it?”
Posted by
Edward the Bonobo
9:51 am
Posted by
Edward the Bonobo
11:13 am
"How did you feel when a government advisor was put under so much pressure over remarks he was reported to have made about you that he walked into the woods one night, took a handful of pills and slashed his wrists?"
(The picture is a reference to the Peter Capaldi character in a satirical TV show that currently has as much chance of being repeated as Gary Glitter has of doing a comeback tour.)
More of his wit and wisdom here. He's better than that twat John Humphrys any day.
I've a new photo on my Flickr site. Enjoy!
And while I'm doing quotes from the good and the great...here's a bunch from John Peel.
Posted by
Edward the Bonobo
12:32 pm